
How to contact IndiGo Executive at Chandigarh Airport?

If you require to contact the Chandigarh Airport for some queries related to the IndiGo Airlines flight, you can make a call to customer service. If you want to know the Chandigarh Airport Indigo number to make a call, below you will find the instructions to use for reaching an official: 

How do I contact IndiGo Chandigarh?

  • Call on the Indigo Chandigarh Airport contact number: 09910383838,
  • Choose the language as per your suitability,
  • Then do as the instructions you listen on the call,
  • Press 1 to take flight updates,
  • Press 2 to know the flight status,
  • Press 3 for airport service,
  • Press * to connect with a human at customer service,
  • Then within some moment, you will get an executive to talk to.

Chandigarh Airport Travel Essential Information

Here is some travel information of the Chandigarh Airport has given for your flight with IndiGo Airlines:

Airport Name 
Shaheed Bhagat Singh International Airport, Chandigarh

Airport Address

New Civil Air Terminal Chandigarh International Airport, 
Sahibzada Ajit Singh Nagar, 
Punjab 140306

Airport Code 

Airport IATA Code