
How can I cancel my Indigo flight?

If you have booked your flight with Indigo and for some reason, you are not able to get on the flight on the scheduled date. You can easily cancel an Indigo flight from anywhere around the world with the help of your mobile or laptop. You can also contact Indigo Airline customer care for any assistance, and they will help you with the issue. By following these steps, you can easily cancel your Indigo flight reservation:

Via Manage Booking

Cancel Indigo Flight Ticket Online

  • Go to the Indigo Airlines website https://www.goindigo.in/ or use the Indigo mobile app.
  • Click on the "Manage booking" option.
  • Then select "Plan B" from the options and click on the "Cancellation" tab. https://www.goindigo.in/cancellation.html
  • Enter your "PNR or Booking Reference" and "Email or Last name" and proceed by clicking on the Get Itinerary button.
  • Now you can see all the reservations, and select the booking want to cancel.
  • Click on "Cancel my flight" and process the refund.
  • At last, the airlines will send you a confirmation email to your registered email id.

Learn about the Indigo flight cancellation policy

An airline policy is their concept of dealing with certain conditions. You can quickly clear your doubt by reading the Indigo flight cancellation policy and getting your answer. Here are some of the points from the policy :

  1. If you have canceled your flight within 24 hours of booking, no charges will be applied.
  2. If you have canceled your flight after 24 hours, you have to pay the Indigo flight cancellation fee.
  3. The airline will offer a full refund if their side cancels the flight.
  4. If you have booked a refundable ticket, you can cancel your flight up to the last hour of the flight departure.
  5. If you have a non-refundable ticket, you can cancel your flight within seven days of the flight departure.
  6. You can not cancel the flight before 1 hour of the flight departure.

How much are the indigo flight cancellation charges?

The charges may vary according to the days left for the departure and if the flight is domestic or international. For example, Indigo flight cancellations for domestic flights will be around INR 3000. If the flight is International, the charges will be around INR 6000, and the cancellation fee will depend upon the time of the cancellation.

Does Indigo give a refund on cancellation?

Yes, Indigo gives refunds on flight cancellations. If you have a refundable ticket, you will quickly get a refund, but if you have a non-refundable ticket, you can cancel the flight 7 days before the departure. If you can cancel the flight after a risk-free period then the charges will apply and you will get your refund deducting the cost and charge.

How much refund does Indigo give?

Indigo airlines offer a full refund if you have a refundable ticket, and no charges will be applied. Once you cancel your flight, Indigo cancels a reservation on your next flight. If you have a non-refundable ticket, no charges will be applied within 24 hours of booking the flight. You will not get a full refund, and some amount will be deducted, known as the Indigo flight cancellation fee if you are canceling at the end moment. The refund depends on the time left for the departure flight. 

Does IndiGo offer free cancellation?

Yes, Indigo Airlines offer free cancellation under any of the below-mentioned conditions:

  • If you cancel your IndiGo flight within 24 hours of the booking.
  • Suppose you have to cancel your flight due to a medical emergency you can get free cancellation. However, you need to show proof or documents to prove the medical emergency.
  • If the flight is canceled by the airline.
  • If the flight is delayed and you are not able to catch your next flight.

Important Links:

Get information on IndiGo baggage policy & allowance
How do I check-in online with IndiGo?
How can I change my name on the Indigo flight ticket?
How can I select a seat on IndiGo?
How do I get a refund from IndiGo?
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